The summary of this book is the queen had all her crowns and some one took them all from her. Then they to found out that Vidia took them.But they were running out of time they olny had 2 days to solve the mystery of why she stold them. So when they found it the kindom was free.The high point of the story was when they had caught her hidding the crowns.
The main characters are Tinker bell,Vidia,and lily.Tinker bell is little with blonde hair and a green dress.Vidia is little with brown hair and a brown dress. Lily is little also and she loves to work on gardens and help the earth. The sitting is in pixi hollow in the day time.
My favorite part is when they caught Vidia hidding the crowns.Because she did not know that tinker bell was going to see her hid them.I was confused when it said It was handwritten on a line blackberry juce.I was like to read another book like this because it was intersting:)
The movie Paper Clips was about students who wanted to see how much 6,000,000 was. They found out that11,000,000 Jews died because the Nazism gased them. The students of whiwill came up with an idea so that they can learn more about them. They had said lets get a part of a train and put all the paper clips in the train. They had got more over 6,000,000. They got 29,000,000 paper clips.This movie was sad:(
I been learning how to make a game.My topic is obesity because I think that people that are over wieght can help them self and be came heathier.Also people that are obeste always get made fun of. People if you think you are obeste figure out what you can do to NOT prevent that.
I learned that I can do links. Well the first time a tried it, it was hard. I thought the first time it was going to be easy but guess not. Now I can do it and its easy. My goals is to always know how to do links:)
Yesterday I went to brainpop to see videos about obeste people. For my game I think that this is produtive because people can see what you can do to keep your wieght the same.If your obeste is it bacause you eat what your mine tells you or you need it a lot.This topic inspired me because I see a lot of people that are obeste:)
This weekend im going to my dad's house. I hope I have fun. I have not seen him all week. This weekend im going to make shirts for mon-fri for my friend naomi and I. These shirts are going to be amazing.
Using the Internet is all about communication. What are some ways that the Internet is used for communication? Which do you think is the most important and why??
I think that communication on the internet is important because we can say what we need to say to some one that doesn't have a phone.Also like youtube because it has videos and music that people put on to show them what people do for fun. Yahoo, and Google because it can help you look for what you need to find.If you have a computer at home you can write to friends and family that you have not talk to in a while.
These thangs are important because when we eat meat we are killing cows. If we eat less meat and more greens we can save us and the animals that we kill.I think that us as a cummunite can change the way that we effect animals. People what you do and eat we can have a better planet:)
OMG!! The dance is here. I'm going because I have no referrals this 6 weeks.I'm going to see my friends.I hope this dance is fun and not like the elementary dances.This dance is going to have lots of music and kids. It is 6th and 7th grade both there. See You There:)
What topic have you chosen for your research? Why is this topic important to you????
My topic is obesity. Obesity in not funny its sad. It's important to me because I know that we can cure it. Keep your self, family and friends healthy.
What are your thoughts on the film Blue Gold? What did you learn from watching the film? Were there any things about water that surprised you?
This movie was good it thought me that over 60% of our water is gone.It also thought me that we can only live for 5-7 days with out water.Everthing is be coming dry because we use a lot of it.I also found out that when we throw stuff in the water we pullute and then we can't drink it...
What has been your biggest challenge so far in Globaloria? What have you done to overcome it? What other challenges have you faced so far this year?
My biggest challenge has been putting links and pictures on my blog. To other people it might be easy. I think if I focus ill be better at doing it. I think this class helps you prepare for the future so people know what you do.
Make a note was about you making a noise that you can repeat. I recommed it to people that like music.This was an ok game. I just could not remeber what the notes so i gave up.
I was palying how plants grow it was teaching me how they grew. I like it because every time I get it wrong it starts me over so I know how to grow a plant.I would recommed this to kids that are 9 and under because i think ill help them.
This week on Thursday Ms.Estrada was out. So she left us we different teachers.She left my group with Ms.V. We wacthed Diary Of A Wimpy Kid I was bored because I seen that movie like 10 times so i really know all the words.So then I was just wacthing it and was drawing on my hand. so that is what I did for last period.
This game was fun i got to help the world. I also help the energy.
I like this game because i help save energy.
My favorite thing to do is talk to friend and hang out with them. I also like to play outside. My favorite thing to do outside is to play kick ball the my friends and family that what i like to do.I also like to take to teachers and friends at school.
In this class you have had the chance to play games from several genres. Of the six genres we have played in this class (Action, Adventure, Puzzle, Strategy, Sports, and Racing Games) which do you enjoy playing the most? Which kind of game teaches you the most? Please explain your thoughts.
My favorite game is rock band because you get to listen to your favorite music and express your self and dance.
My least favortie
What did you learn from watching Dirt! The Movie? How was Dirt! The Movie similar or different from Food, Inc.? Which one did you like better? Please explain why.I like that the movie dirt it tells me that people all over the world do some thing with dirt.I also learned that with out dirt we would have a different climate. Over 1/3 of our dirt we have lost in several of years. I also learnd that in 1 year 100,000,000 trees are cut down. In Brizzal the forest is all cut down. Farmers are convinced to by stuff for their farm and the farmers don't know that its hurting the dirt. Over 5,000 people kill there self because of and the stuff they grow is dying.
I played Flex Your Power Challenge. This game was helping me learn stuff like use the light when you need it.This game taught me that when we save light we save money and the world.It also taught me what i need to know about the world.
Which of the movies that we have seen in class meant the most to you? I think the movie Dirt taught me that no matter what you do,like building a basketball court or move dirt you hurt the dirt.The soical issue is what ever you do to the dirt you hurt it. So my edvice is dont do stuff to the dirt. So dont build road or stuff that covers the dirt:)
What is one thing you have learned or accomplished this year that you would like to share with your family? Please explain. It does not have to be something from this class.So far i learned that the school im at is helping students go to college. I learned that service learning is a class that helps us and the world..
Today you choose what you would like to blog about.This week i was not feeling as good. My allarges come and i had a caugh.I came back to school wednesday still not feeling go but i how to deal with it. This is how my week was:(